
Welcome to the Wiki is a fast paced, 2D multiplayer shooter inspired by games like Soldat, Unreal Tournament and N-game. Currently implemented game modes include Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag. Anyone can hop right in and play, as there is no obligation to be signed in to be able to play. It can be found via this link: The game was created using PixiJS, a HTML5 creation engine. The creator of the game (Buizerd) is currently unemployed, and uses AdinPlay, a ad monitization and revenue site.

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Want us to know more about this wonderful game? Add your imput on all the things you can think of! Some of our most popular include The Prides, and Op Weapons List, an informative list on all the ranks of guns. With our ever growing community and wiki, try adding a page and playing the game, you may just make a new favorite!

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I_AM_A_BOT gameplay
