



The Carbine is a semi-automatic sniper that shoots quick, accurate shots at opponents. It is essentially a non-piercing Barrett that kills in two shots instead of one, in exchange for a larger magazine, slightly less "flinch", and much quieter firing. Like the Shotgun and Deagles, firing multiple shots off the Carbine requires repeated manual clicking of the fire button. The Carbine is just as precise as the Barrett, but its most notable upside is that it allows for extra chances to hit your opponent if you miss some of your shots. This makes the Carbine a slightly weaker but more forgiving option for pinpoint sniping combat.


With the Carbine[]

  • This weapon is very similar to the Barrett, so the strategies for both weapons are very similar. It's recommended to also check out the Barrett page as well, if you're going to use the Carbine. Keep in mind the slight differences between the two weapons, and in what aspects the Carbine is weaker than the Barrett.
  • Remember that sniper camera will also work with the Carbine, so use it to your advantage for extra visibility across maps. Sniper camera is especially useful for scouting with the bullet towards an enemy base or to look for possible blindshots that can catch enemies off guard.
  • Predict where your opponents will go, then time your shots right. This is because players are constantly moving around which can make them hard to hit.
  • Like the Barrett, firing immediately after getting hit results in a significant drop in bullet accuracy (usually called the flinch debuff or accuracy nerf), however the Carbine is slightly less affected by this than the Barrett. To avoid inaccurate shots, wait a moment after taking damage to allow the debuff to subside, then fire.

Against the Carbine[]

  • Try for rapid-fire guns to overpower the opponent and inflict the flinch nerf, or if you have good aim, you could even try countering them with the Barrett, since it cleanly kills in one shot compared to the Carbine's two.
  • Move erratically and unexpectedly with no pattern at all. This throws your opponents off and it might get them to waste their shots. Also, keep running, jumping, and rolling whenever you can, so you aren't as easy to hit. Moving targets are always harder to kill.
  • If you also have a sniper weapon, aim to land the first shot against the Carbine user. The winner of precision battles is usually whoever hits first and inflicts the flinch nerf, which instantly gives them the upper hand in both accuracy and health.
  • To deal with Carbine campers, utilize similar strategies that would counter campers with the Barrett. Especially effective anti-camping weapons include the Avenger or RPG, or even the Flamer if you manage to catch the camper off guard.


  • The Carbine is to the Barrett as the Avenger is to the M79.
  • At one point, the Carbine was nerfed to only 4 shots, significantly crippling its power. This has since been reverted.
  • It appears the in-game Carbine is based on the M1 Carbine, used during WWII to the Vietnam War. It also appears that like the MAC-10, the Carbine's model is taken from its respective Wikipedia page.